At the tail end of my design duties on Monster House, the studio decided to go ahead and do a comic book tie-in. This was a suggestion I gave the producers and the director over a year earlier, while we were shooting, and so, thankfully, I was allowed to handle the artwork.

The House pin-up , the character designs, and the short story "Final Roll" were all pieces I did to get across what we wanted the full story to look like. Eventually we hooked up with writer Josh Dysart and publisher IDW and put out the book about two weeks before the filmed opened. It's an interesting take on the idea of a movie tie-in, telling the stories of two of the secondary characters- Skull and Bones- and what happened to them leading up to the events in the film, and what occurred afterward. Note on the colors: The above pinup and the character sketches were colored by myself, the comic pages were colored by the brilliant Len O'Grady.









The Characters


The Final Roll


Some Pages from the main story




Robot Operator Manuals ©2008 Simeon Wilkins